Individual Pet Cremation Services – An overview
Pet Divine provides Individual Pet Cremation Services for Dogs, Cats, Reptiles, Birds and Small Pets. We can collect from your home or your vet practice, whichever is most convenient for you.
We are open Monday to Friday 08:30 to 5pm, Saturday’s 08:30 to 1pm and closed on Sunday’s. Our Out of Hours service operates outside of these times*.
Our aim is to make this difficult decision transparent with information on the website, a quote form and the option to call us directly for any queries.
Pet Divine only take booking for cremations over the phone as it a personalised service that can’t be replicated online. To book a cremation with Pet Divine, please call us on 0800 368 9805.
Do you have an all inclusive price for cremation?
We have one price for cremation which is dependent on the species of animal or if a dog then the breed. This one price includes cremation, our standard premium urn and a certificate of cremation.
If you bring your pet to us and pick up their remains from our premises, the individual pet cremation price is the only price that you will pay. If you require collection of your pet, return of their ashes or another urn, this will be an additional cost**.
Are pets cremated individually?
Pet Divine only provide individual pet cremations, so pet owners can be certain that their pet is the only one being cremated. Pet Divine has an effective system in place, which means that each pet is labelled with our reference ID from when they enter our care until they are returned back to their owner.
Do you really get your pet’s ashes back?
We understand that that pet owners are concerned that they will receive their own pet’s ashes back. Our quality assurance process verifies the reference ID at each stage. Because we only conduct individual pet cremations and package directly after the service, pet owners can rest assured that the ashes they receive are of their own beloved pet.
What other services do you provide?
Some pet owners like to memorialise their pet with different types of mementos and keepsakes, this could be a paw print, ashes incorporated into jewellery or bespoke jewellery made from their pet’s hair. Pet Divine offers several of these different options. Please ask if you would like us to take a fur clipping, paw print or select an item of jewellery from our online shop when booking an individual pet cremation.
* out of hours service has a starting charge of £31 per hour
** collection and delivery costs are calculated at £1.20 per mile from our premise postcode NN7 4PS to your home/vet address