How To Organise Your Office And Workplace!


Whether you work in an office or from home, the most important feature of an office is its functionality.

Large offices are usually full of desks, electrical equipment, filing cabinets amongst other things that can make a home office feel dysfunctional.

If you have to clear space before you even begin work, it is time to have a clear out and organise your office.

Read on to see our steps for an office make over that will show you how to organise your desk and work space, so that you have an office space that you can work in and feel productive.


If you struggle where to begin when trying to clear your workspace, make a note of what you need to enable you to work. Most people will need their laptop or computer so by placing this down first, you can work around this.

Think about what you use daily and whether or not you reach for it on a regular basis. This could be a pen, stapler, particular folder etc. If you only use items every so often, these can be placed in your drawer, leaving you with much more space on your desk.


It may be easy just to cram everything in your drawer but that can become a problem in itself. Invest in a drawer tidy that has compartments for different things. Items such as loose pens, paperclips and staples now have a place to go and will be easier to find.

If you have a lot of paperwork, why not think about drawer files which you can place inside a large drawer and keep paperwork in an alphabetical or date order making it easier to find.

To allow the top of your desk to stay clear, stacking trays are an ideal solution for your inbox and outbox, ensuring your workspace stays tidy as well as organised.


Whatever size or your office is, most desks get cluttered by the office equipment such as photocopiers, printers and filing.

If you can, try and clear your printer from your desk and invest in a printer stand and keep it within a usable distance. Alternatively, you could buy another unit which allows the printer to sit on top whilst having storage underneath for books, paperwork or even office stationery.


You will find that an office will throw away lots of paper, cardboard and plastic. Make it easier for people to discard their clutter by setting up a small recycling centre with labelled bins. You can buy plastic tote bags which are inexpensive and easy for one person to carry out at the end of each day to the main recycling area


Most offices have windows which are great for letting in lots of natural light. Don’t forget your window areas when organising your office. By adding some blinds, this can make a striking different to the feel of your office.

A blind will not only add a feature to your office but can inject some colour. Ensure your windows are clean and open them daily for a blast of fresh air within the office.

Different Perspective

If you have been in the same office for the last 10 years, this doesn’t mean you can’t change it.

Take a look at how your office sits now and think about how you could change it to make it work better for you now.

By moving your desk can create a whole new outlook and make you more productive. If you sit in a corner, try moving it into the middle of the room to create more space. If you have a window, move your desk nearer to give you a different view and increase natural light.

By moving furniture, it also gives you the change to clean where furniture has been sat for years. Add in a few fresh plants of flowers and it can create a completely different atmosphere.

Looking for help keeping your office in tip-top shape? 

Speak to our Northampton WPCS team today -012604 791799

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