I bought a joint life, second death whole of life insurance policy a couple of years ago during the pandemic and lockdowns. It is to cover me and my wife on the second of our deaths to pay Inheritance Tax on our estate. The policy is written into trust and the ultimate beneficiaries are our children.
I am in pretty good shape for my age. My wife is in good shape too though she is much younger than me. We were accepted by the insurer on standard terms. I had to have a medical. Needless to say, I passed it with flying colours!
When we obtained the initial comparison quotes I discovered that the premiums quoted were very high. One of the quotes stood out because it was much cheaper than the rest. It was a company called Vitality Life which we know very well having used them on a number of occasions for clients previously.
Vitality Life is a unique British insurance company with a very special niche. They reward you for living a good lifestyle by charging lower premiums to reflect how healthy and fit you are. That’s because they know that policyholders who have a good lifestyle, and maintain it, are at a much lower insurance risk because they make far fewer claims. Their premiums reflect this.
So how do they measure your lifestyle initially and how do they monitor it continuously?
Well, initially they will assess you like all other insurers by reviewing your application form, obtaining a medical report from your GP and, if necessary, they will ask you to attend a medical.
The way they monitor you continuously is by way of a fitness app which you can link to your electronic watch. Don’t already have an electronic watch? No problem you can buy one at a highly subsidised price from Vitality Life direct! How about that for customer service?
I don’t know of any other insurance company in the UK that has such good service and such a unique selling point as Vitality Life. We can at least match the premium you will be quoted by Vitality Life as your intermediary, advise you on the best policy for you and how much you need to insure yourself for as well as do most of the leg work for you behind the scenes if you choose Vitality Life for your insurance. You know it makes sense.*
*Risk warnings
The contents of this blog are for information purposes only and do not constitute individual advice. You should always seek professional advice from a specialist. This blog is based on my own observations and opinions.
Wealth and Tax Management are not advertising Vitality Life.
Tony Byrne
Chartered and Certified Financial Planner
Managing Director of Wealth and Tax Management
If you are looking for expert guidance in Financial Planning contact Wealth and Tax Management on 01908 523740 or email wealth@wealthandtax.co.uk