How Much Does it Cost to Cremate a Dog, Cat or Small Pet?


What Determines The Cost Of Pet Cremation?
The price of pet cremation can vary between crematorium, but the biggest price difference is if you want an Individual pet cremation or Communal.

An Individual Cremation is a singular cremation within a clean and private chamber.

A Communal Cremation means that more than one pet is cremated at the same time and the owner does not get the remains (ashes) back.

Pet Divine only offers Individual Pet Cremation Services, so we can guarantee pet owners that they will be getting back their beloved pet’s ashes.

How Much Does It Cost To Cremate A Pet Near Me?
Pet Divine has competitive all-inclusive prices for pet cremation which are dependent on species. For dogs this is further differentiated by breed.

So, there is one price for an individual cremation, which includes a certificate and a premium cardboard urn.

Pet Divine Pet Cremation Prices
All Prices Include:

Individual Cremation with Care and Dignity
Premium Scatter Tube
Certificate of Cremation

What Other Costs Are There?
Pet Euthanasia At Home Cost
The price for a cremation does not include the cost of euthanasia.

If a pet is unwell and isn’t already deceased (from natural causes or an unfortunate accident), as a pet owner, you will know when the time is right for them to move on, be it due to age, chronic illness or becoming pain free.

Your vet will discuss the suitable options available and may be able to provide euthanasia at home rather than the vet practice. But if your own vet can’t or you’d prefer to have the last moments at home, there are mobile veterinarians who will be able to follow your wishes.

Collection And Delivery
If you would prefer not to handle your pet after they have gone or are unable to get to our premises, we can arrange collection of your pet. Additionally, Pet Divine can return their remains (ashes).
Collection Service
Collection is available from a vet practice or home. We will arrange a convenient time to collect your pet when you are ready to let them go.

Delivery Service
Pet Divine prides itself on a personalised service, thus once a pet has been cremated we only a delivery service or option for the pet owner to collect from our premises. This allows us to be certain that the right ashes are returned to the right owner. And allows us to trace the journey of each pet from arrival to return home.
Other Services

Please let us know at Pet Divine, how we can make the cremation service memorial for you and your pet, this could be from providing a pawprint, setting aside some of their fur (this is only possible in certain circumstance) for a keepsake or another other request.
Upgrade Urns And Caskets
We have a wide range of urns and caskets available as package upgrades.

Alternative, visit our online shop Simply Urns to see a wider range of available urns, caskets and memorial jewellery.

Visit our website to find out more