Growing Together | Children’s Mental Health Week
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and at Transitions UK, we’re proud to celebrate this important week and those in need of support.
Children’s Mental Health Week was started by Place2Be (https://www.place2be.org.uk/) – a mental health charity – in 2015 with the sole purpose of highlighting the importance of looking after our emotional wellbeing from an early age.
In some statistics presented by The Children’s Society (https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/what-we-do/our-work/well-being/mental-health-statistics) , we learn that 1 in 6 children aged 5-16 are likely to have a mental health problem. This heart-breaking fact clearly demonstrates the huge amount of support that our young people need – to work through, understand and look after their own wellbeing.
In the same research, it discovers that the likelihood of young people having a mental health problem has increased by 50% – This is an alarming rate of increase as it shows now more than ever the need for conversation!
The theme of this years Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Growing Together’ which is to encourage children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, what they need to help them grow, and how they can help others to grow too.
This is an amazing message to put out there as it allows for individuals to focus on things that they know they need to create better lives and futures for themselves as well as using their knowledge to help others to do the same.
This ties in with what we do at Transitions UK. We understand the severe need of services for the mental health of our young people, so we started up our Affirm Project – supporting those with mental health and emotional needs. We know the impact someone can have on a young person’s life which is why we provide 1-1 befriending and mentoring services through our incredible volunteer mentors. We focus on the individuals’ harm reduction and healing, positive social interactions, personal growth, and future planning.
We always begin with creating a path plan and development web with the young person, which allows for them to understand their goals, what tools they have around them, who can help and gives them a clear plan on how to get there. This is so they understand where they can grow and how to do so which links in perfectly with the theme of this year. The volunteer mentors also use their own knowledge and experiences to aid in the growth of the young person which ultimately improves their futures.
Often when becoming a mentor, it’s not only a chance for growth for the young person but for the mentor as well. If you would like to change young lives by becoming a volunteer mentor visit: www.transitionsuk.org/volunteer
No child or young person should have to face mental health problems on their own. We are proud to be supporting such an important week and raising awareness for children’s mental health!
Find out more at www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org