Free Cyber Essentials Readiness webinar. Book now!!


Zoom meeting 9/02/2022
10.30 am for 1 hour

What is Cyber Essentials accreditation and what does it mean for your business?

You are invited to come along to our newest event, where we will be focusing on Cyber Essentials and your cyber security. More and more of your clients may be asking you if you are Cyber Essentials accredited, we are here to explain why.
Cyber Essentials is a government backed programme that is designed to help protect your organisation against the most common cyber threats.
Cyber-attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. BY having many layers of security, you can reduce these risks hugely.
In this webinar we will look at:
• How becoming accredited can give you protection from the majority of Cyber-attacks.
• How we can assist in gaining you this accreditation quickly and smoothly.
• You are giving your clients (or potential clients) the knowledge that you are doing everything possible to secure your IT.
• How you can attract new business.
• Giving you the ability to bid for Government contracts.
All in all, you will come away from the webinar with a clear, informed view on Cyber Essentials, and what it means for your business.

Book your space now.