Does a Lack of Transport Stop You Getting About?
Does a lack of transport stop you from getting about? Recently, the Wheels to Work team were invited to speak at an event in Northamptonshire. It was an opportunity for us to bring key awareness of our scooter hire initiative to people in nearby communities. The main aim was highlighting that we are a convenient transport solution for people who live in rural locations and have a lack of transport.
Having attended several job fairs, we can see that many people seeking or currently in employment face similar issues. For example, if they live in a village then they often struggle to get access to a local bus service. Likewise, many people who live in more populated areas also spoke of problems with transport. They are working shifts at nearby warehouses in hard-to-access areas, most relying on lifts or taxis to get to there. Above all, this isn’t an ideal or maintanable situation.
At this event, I spoke to someone who managed a team within the local council. She has recently hired an apprentice, commenting how he is a great worker and is keen to grow and learn. She also mentioned he is currently getting a lift there on a daily basis from another apprentice in the team. However, he is due to complete his training soon and his
contract with the council will come to an end. This will result in the new apprentice having no transport to work. If he finds no solution to his lack of transport, he will likely lose his job and apprenticeship. Certainly we hope to be able to help him continue his current path by helping him book in a CBT so he can ride.
Living in Rural Locations
I proceeded to speak to someone else who lived in a village in Northamptonshire. He advised me that there was no bus service there at all. People within the village feel isolated, unable to travel freely and do the things they want to do. Naturally, he was keen for us to pass on our details. He also suggested he would pin them up locally, so that more people he knew would be aware of our service.
These examples are all too familiar, and it seems to be a common issue in all the counties that we cover. Therefore if you, or anyone you know of, find yourself in a similar position then scooter hire is the perfect solution.
We are constantly speaking to people about their struggles with a lack of transport. They want something reliable,
affordable and convenient. Whether it’s getting them back into the work or seeing their familes and friends, we have helped many in this way. Don’t let transport be the reason to hold you back from the important things in life. Getting out onto the open road with two wheels is not as daunting as you think.
Wheels to Work
Are you looking for a way to get back to work? Do you need an affordable and convenient transport solution?
Wheels to Work provides 50cc and 125cc scooter hire in Northants, Bucks, Beds, Berks, Warks, Leics, Shrops, Notts and Oxon to support you getting to and from your place of work.
If transport is restricting you actively seeking employment, training, or an apprenticeship, or you work anti-social
hours, then hiring a scooter gives you independence and opportunity.
Training and protective clothing can be provided with the scooter too.
For further details, please call 01327 857213 or email info@wheelstowork.net.
If you’d like to go ahead and apply, click here.