Benefits of having a SpaceVac Demo…..


As we announced recently, Pegasus are really excited to be distributing the SpaceVac range of high-level cleaning systems across Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Clients across the Logistics world have shown a lot of interest and not only does the system allow companies to keep their buildings and facilities clean and free of high-level dust – it also saves customers time and money and reduces the amount of time it takes to complete any cleaning work.

One of the best ways to understand how SpaceVac can help on your premises is to take advantage of our offer to complete a free demo on your premises. Our fully trained demonstrator will visit your site and spend a couple of hours explaining and demonstrating the system to you.

As a potential user of the system there are a number of benefits to this approach:

1) You can fully appreciate how light, easy to assemble and easy to use the system is. Clients are always amazed at how light the system is – even when reaching the full 15m of the External system or the 20m of the more advanced SpaceVac Ultra Systems.

2) You can see firsthand the effect that SpaceVac can have on your building. Watching a video of users cleaning someone else’s building is one thing – but seeing how quickly your walls and high-level areas come back to their former glories is the best possible demonstration of the capabilities of the system.

3) A demonstration is a great chance to try before you buy! Which means that everyone onsite has a chance to explore the system and its benefits before having to commit to an order!

4) By bringing the system onto site in this way, users can get all the decision makers and operational staff together in one place to ask their questions and get an understanding of the system all at the same time; making the timeline for taking delivery of your new SpaceVac system even quicker!

Feel free to contact us at Pegasus to find out more about SpaceVac and to book a free demonstration on your premises today!