Owners of properties for use in the Care Home sector are well worth being advised on Capital Allowances for Property Embedded Fixtures and Fittings.
Are you preparing their accounts shortly?
Our Claim Calculator here https://caadvisoryservices.co.uk/claim-calculator/ will give a good indicator of the Tax Relief possible and 30% to 40% of the property value is the norm.
The process to check this is straightforward. Contact us and we can discuss with you and if appropriate, your Client
Key Factors are:
- The date of purchase
- Tax Status
- Who actually owns the Care Home..
Once we’ve established the facts, we can prepare a model of their tax relief and if it looks interesting to your client, the next stage is sending in our Surveyor.
Email us on jaimelumsden@caadvisoryservices.co.uk We can help……