“I Want Lockdown To End Now, But I Also Don’t!”
It’s completely normal to want two opposing things at the same time. We are desperate to see our family and friends, but we also feel nervous and scared about some places opening too soon.
As the government released the date, 21st June 2021, we’ve all set our hearts and hopes on a ‘normal’ summer, as many COVID-19 restrictions are set to be lifted. Many places will finally reopen, some of which have been closed for over a year.
Many people are enthusiastic, relieved and delighted at the thought of ‘normality’ – clubs reopening, celebrations of significant life events, large parties and gatherings. However, some feel sad and disappointed they still can’t hug their family and friends, or their events pre-June 21 will be cancelled or limited to six people.
As we enter a new era, in mid-June, anxiety, grief and guilt may come to mind. Especially those who have lost loved ones to Covid.
There’s an emotional tug of war. If lockdown ended tomorrow, we could see the people we love, but the flip side is that maybe we don’t feel sure that it will be safe in June, and we could end up in another lockdown if it’s rushed and unsafe.
It’s genuinely confusing, and there’s no right way to feel.
Many of us have experienced highs and lows over the last few months, from tier restrictions to Christmas lockdown to going back to school and vaccines being rolled out. This rollercoaster of feelings can be emotionally draining – there’s no doubt about it.
A year is a long time. We’ve adjusted to being remote and spending more time at home. We’ve adapted to new methods of studying, communicating, exercising and living. We’ve also lost a significant amount of control, as the government decided what we can and can’t do. Now that we could potentially regain autonomy and control, it feels like a lot of responsibility.
Many of us may have these thoughts:
What does ‘normal’ feel like again?
Will it be safe?
Do I feel comfortable seeing my friends?
So how do we go back to normal?
Give yourself time to adjust. Give others time. The roadmap is a framework we can follow and work around. If you don’t feel ready, you can slow things down. You can choose what feels best for you.
Remember, not everyone moves through life at the same pace. This also goes for your friends. We need to allow ourselves time to build confidence and adjust.
You don’t have to give up everything that you’ve done in lockdown, such as a new hobby, learning style or type of exercise.
Now is the time to focus on ‘I can’. You can feel more positive by focusing on the activities you can enjoy, rather than what you can’t do or don’t have.
For example, we can appreciate the change in season as Spring approaches, video calling a friend, and enjoy the time we can have with ourselves.
“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey.
If you’re a young person and looking for support, please contact us here.