Effective Appraisal Skills

The course provides business owners, line managers and leaders with the skills they need to plan and deliver appraisals with confidence. Regular and effective appraisals improve retention, make people feel engaged and motivate them to go the extra mile.

Influencing Skills

This course will develop your awareness of how to influence and also deepen your influencing skills to benefit you and your business to be more effective. Successful influencing is about making a connection and appealing to the heart as well as the head. It is about identifying personal triggers and adapting your style to others’ to get the best results from the people you are trying to influence.

How to hold Difficult Conversations

The purpose of this course is to help you identify what it may be that’s preventing you from having difficult conversations and provide you with strategies to handle them effectively.

Successful Supervisory Management

This 2-day course will introduce you to some of the tools and techniques essential to the role of Supervisor/Manager and to develop the skills to enable you to manage and motive people effectively and productively.

Assertiveness Skills

At some time or other most of us give in to people in authority or to those who are dominant or difficult. It stops us achieving our own goals and leaves us feeling inadequate, stressed or angry. This course identifies the behaviour patterns that lead to these situations. Delegates will practice a new set of behaviour patterns to enable them to better control interpersonal situations.

Confident Customer Service

This course aims to improve customer service within your business and help your team become more confident in their approach and recognising the value they bring to the organisation. Whether you are handling customers face to face or over the phone it is essential that you master the skills to keep the conversation flowing; obtain important information; and ensure your customer – or potential customer – leaves you/the caller with a good impression of your company.

The Fundamentals of Project Management

This is a professional course around how to manage change. It is aligned to industry standards of the accrediting professional body, the Association for Project Management. The purpose of this course is to equip people with the fundamental principles of project management to enable them to manage change effectively within their organisations.

Successful Supervisory Management

This 2-day course will introduce you to some of the tools and techniques essential to the role of Supervisor/Manager and to develop the skills to enable you to manage and motive people effectively and productively.

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