Höja Group Ltd – We are here to help elevate standards!
Member News
Whenever someone, does something, somewhere there is the opportunity to help elevate standards…
Founder of Höja Group Ltd and the creator of the Höja Programme, Alistair Phipp has 22 years’ experience in Continuous Improvement and Supply Chain Development working in Logistics for 2 large national and international retailers. He explains why the timing is now even more critical for businesses to take on the simple, flexible and adaptable approach set out in the programme designed specifically to support the setting, maintaining and outperformance of standards.
Alistair says,
“Over the past 10-15 years there has been a significant investment in continuous improvement skills especially within the logistics sector. This has started with the adoption of Lean but has more recently moved towards Six Sigma. These are proven techniques when used in the right environment, but I have seen firsthand that they can be large inflexible complex methods that require time and resource which small to medium sized businesses may not be able to commit to which can place them at a disadvantage.
In addition to this the last two and a half years has seen operations and retailers stop channels overnight and businesses have to flex and adapt immediately to survive and this will continue for the foreseeable future.
As a result, I have taken the successes, and I am comfortable in saying failures, from my experiences and developed the Höja programme (‘Hoi-ya’, v. meaning ‘to elevate’ in Swedish) which is simple to understand, flexes to your needs and adapts to your customers requirements.
This universal way of working provides a more holistic approach to business improvement not just in logistics but in any sector, focusing on the balance between people, process, environment, customer and cost, giving you the structure and tools for a sustainable future, following our Leadership philosophy of,
“We recruit and retain the right PEOPLE, developing the simplest, most adaptable PROCESSES, in a safe and inclusive ENVIRONMENT, in order to deliver the service the CUSTOMER
wants and at a COST we are all willing to pay”
For me, this is my calling and I will be pursuing this for the rest of my life and I want everyone to see the benefits of this, starting with you…“
Recognising that all businesses are different, there are 4 options available to access the programme ranging just attending the core course to fully implementing within your business. It gives businesses control over how fast and what they want to take on, when.
Höja Group Ltd is based in the Northamptonshire area and the programme is initially aimed at SME’s in the East Midlands area, in any sector to allow them to gain access to new critical skills in one of the most challenging times.
As always thanks for taking the time in reading this article today, it is much appreciated…
There are 2 introductory sessions available for anyone wanting a deeper understanding and taste of the programme, if you would like to know anymore, please contact Alistair either by
Mob: 07454 607990
Email: alistair.phipp@helpelevatestandards.com
Visit the website: www.helpelevatestandards.com
Or go to the LInkedIn page where there are articles on how the principles of Höja are everywhere you look!
LInkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/compa…