Höja Group Ltd – New Help Elevate Standards YouTube channel starting March 1st
Member News
At the core of the Höja – Help Elevate Standards programme is driving simplicity, flexibility and adaptability in individuals, teams and organisations and that is exactly what Höja has been doing internally over the last 2 months.
As a result, Höja is excited to announce the launch of its new Help Elevate Standards YouTube channel on the 1st March which is dedicated to those that want to get on the path to better. www.youtube.com/@helpelevatestandards
It is designed to prompt new thinking, simplify concepts in improvement methodology that anyone can understand.
Dedicated training modules from the Höja – Help Elevate Standards programme will be available in the near future and will be accessible by becoming a patron of the channel.
But the channel is also about your stories of being on the path to better, so, how you started, the obstacles that have been or still yet to overcome and the benefits you have seen. It could be a personal, individual, team or organisational story but at the core of every one, will be someone, doing something, somewhere a little better every day.
If you would like to contribute and help someone be able to help themselves get on that path to better please contact us via the website or simply subscribe to the channel!