World Kindness Day – For us, it’s personal!
Kindness is important to us at Transitions UK. It is a huge part of what makes this charity tick. It bonds us as a team, in delivering the support we offer and continuing to connect with new partners. Yet, we recognised that kindness is so individual in it’s manifestation. It means different things to different people.
So in order to show that we understood this we asked everyone in our charity, including team members, mentors, volunteers and our beneficiaries if they wanted to contribute their individual thoughts on what they thought kindness means to them. This is what we received we hope you enjoy their responses:
“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up” – Rosalind Lambert, Grants Officer
“’Kind’, too short a word,
To express the difference,
Showing kindness makes.” – Verity Slaughter-Penny, Virtual Project Co-ordinator
“Kindness is accepting people for who they are and helping them to be the best version of themselves they can be. Telling a man on the street that you like their tie (do this all the time or like their hair, coat, whatever!), accepts that man’s fashion choices and reinforces in them that someone else sees them as worthy of being stopped to say that. Just as much as someone you know supporting you to achieve your dreams and ambitions does the same.” – Karen Ironside, Partnerships Director
“Being considerate of other people’s feelings”
“Being there for friends when they need support”
“Caring for people and being respectful”
“The Quality of Being Friendly, Generous, And Considerate.”
“Being nice to one another and sending nice messages to others”
“Looking out for others and ensuring they don’t get left behind”
“Offering someone help when I didn’t ask in the first place”
“Respecting each other” – Collection of quotes from our fabulous young people based in Stevenage
“Kindness is the gift everyone can give”. – SD
“The act of kindness is something which should come naturally to each person. Even the smallest gesture by asking someone, how they are? Can make a huge impact to a person’s wellbeing” – Amit Patel, Volunteer
“Kindness. It costs nothing but means everything, Sometimes it takes one act of kindness and caring to change someone’s life” – Lauren Summers, Apprentice Digital Marketer
“Be nice to everyone even when it doesn’t matter” – Charlie Dixon, Aspire (South) Projects Director
“My definition of kindness is to do something good for somebody without expecting anything in return. Bringing happiness to somebody and seeing them smile is one of life’s purest joys.”