• 61 High Street, , Higham Ferrers
  • 07919536833
  • https://www.ailsasaim.co.uk/

Ailsa's Aim

We are delighted to introduce our charity, Ailsa’s Aim (www.ailsasaim.co.uk, Registered Charity Number 1188783, registered for Gift Aid)


The Founding Trustees are Sara and Niven Whatley. Additional Trustees are Kenneth Langley and Georgia Waite. 


The object of Ailsa’s Aim is to relieve the needs of persons in England and Wales who suffer from cancer or have experienced premature and problematic childbirth and their families and carers; in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of support, items and services and signposting to other relevant and appropriate services.


What we actually do is to create, source and deliver some of life’s little personal comforts to those in need, ailment and distress, and to offer ‘a ray of sunshine’ into people’s lives. For this reason, our slogan is “Putting You First.”

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